Christian Mingle Girls

Christian mingle free dating site. Original from Bangkok, Thailand Speak English and Thai A cat person A Scorpio Love to travel both luxury or backpack Love Coffee Love mingle with people from difference places, cultures. Interested in spiritual, arts,gems,work out, etc. Love beach vacation. Christian mingle dating app.

  • Christian mingle dating site. Just a next door type of girl trying to find her way in this crazy world. And so I will not bore you by telling you how wonderful I am by attaching to my name a bunch of flattering adjectives.
  • Christian mingle dating tips. Attention please, there is a lady who is good at stealing man’s heart here.Please be carefully when you meet her, LOL Hey this is Ella, are you dare to chat or write to me?when you reading this I know you must ready to know my story ok here are 4 tips for you: A:32 year-old,never marriedlove dogs.

I am for sure the influence-y in my relationships.

I was texting my friend the other day in the grocery store. She has several food allergies including being allergic to gluten and dairy. She also is a ridiculously healthy eater.

We texted the whole way through the store.

When I got home, I realized that literally everything I had purchased was food for rabbits.

Christian Mingle Girls

No kidding. I’ve been starving since Monday.

Obviously I am easily influenced.

Therefore, I’m in trouble.

My “friends,” want to join together.

Real friends don’t make friends join

At one point they even suggested having one of our talented videographer friends film the experience and pitch it as a new reality TV show.

Dating Christian Girls.

Not much more entertaining than watching paint dry.

But anyway, after a few glasses of the blood of the covenant, I turned from, “there is no way you would ever get me to do that,” into throwing one of my girlfriends my phone and saying, “make sure to make me sound good! And mention that I’m tall and blonde!”

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

So I currently have a profile on

I am so sorry.

I feel like I’ve failed you!

I feel like I’ve failed myself!

Christian Mingle Girls Basketball

You know what, at least it’s not Christian Mingle.

For sure I’m about to bash Christian Mingle, how can you not? They’ve totally set themselves up for it. That website is honestly like a cute girl standing by the edge of the pool. She’s going to get thrown in. It’s inevitable. I’ve seen it happen.

The few problems that I have with Christian Mingle are (I also should note I owe a lot of these observations to Matt Moberg):

Google maps
  1. “Find God’s Match for You” – the tagline of Christian Mingle. What? Really? God’s match for me is only going to be on that site? I’m not sure. And by not sure, I think you sit on a throne of lies.
  2. “Delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” – Christian Mingle’s verse. Nope. You keep using that verse. I do not think it means what you think it means. I feel like I’m Inigo Montoya and you killed my father.
  3. Also – “Christian Dating for Christian Singles.” – um … yeah … I just … hum. How do I put this delicately? I don’t think Christians know how to date. Yup. I said it. We sure don’t. Also, just a note, I’m putting myself in that category. The move from, “oh we’re hanging out” to “we’re getting married” is faster then you can say “C.S. Lewis,” so watch yourself friends. One minute you’re on a date, the next minute you’re engaged.

Yes. That is terrifying.

Christian Mingle is unlike any other popular dating app, as it is a faith-based dating site. Users come to Christian mingle to find a match that shares their Christian Faith.

Christian Mingle works by sending you compatible matches that fit your criteria in a grid view. Users are able to send messages to other users and favorite their profile to let them know you’re interested.

In this article, we’re going to show you all the core features of Christian Mingle and how you can best utilize it to get matches.

How Christian Mingle Works

Christian Mingle is a faith-based online dating website and mobile app that allows users to match with other faith-based Christians. This platform is specific to religion and faith, rather than the traditional dating apps which are based on looks and personality.

Christian Mingle gives the option for users to upload pictures to their profile, and write exactly what they’re looking for in their profile.

Interests such as Christian faith, education, height, bio and kid aspirations are among the top criteria that Christian Mingle allows you to fill out.

Christian Mingle User Statistics

Before we show you the features of Christian Mingle, we wanted to cover the user statistics that Christian Mingle makes available to the public.

Christian Mingle has the highest amount of Christian singles compared to any other mobile dating app. It’s 60,000 sign-ups per month, help the faith-based dating app pair up singles to other like-minded singles.

Boasting a user base of over 16 million members, the app is never a dull place for conversation. Over 200,000 daily messages are sent on the platform, with users communicating to meet and share a happy relationship.

Christian Mingle’s users range from the age of 25-54. Different from apps like Tinder & Bumble, who’s average age range is much lower, Christian Mingle is an app that used for single users who are ready for a commitment and relationship.

Christian Mingle Browse Features

The browse tab is where all of the action happens on Christian Mingle. This will give you a scrollable grid view which allows users to have endless scrolling of users that pertain to that tab.

The sub-features that are available within the browse tab are:

  • New – See what new users appear on the mobile app. If you’re new to Christian Mingle, we recommend using this tab last, as you’ll want to see the other tabs first
  • Online – This is our favorite tab, because it shows users who are actually online. Online users are more likely to see your messages and favorites, which in turn are more likely to respond back to you
  • Distance – If you live in a small city, with easy transportation, this shouldn’t be an issue. If you’re in a suburban town however, this maybe an important tab to you, as distance matters to those in relationships.
  • Match % – In this tab, you’ll see other profiles that best match up with your profile. This could be anything that you input from their pre-selected options that coincide with your options
  • LookBook – The LookBook is exactly the swipe option that many people are used to on mobile dating apps such as Tinder & Bumble. Users are able to swipe left and right to show their interest to other users.

This is the most important tab on the mobile app, as all of your viewing pleasures of other users will be found on this tab.

The browse tab is located in the lower-left icon which you can quickly access if you find yourself lost on the app.

Send A Message Or Favorite

Christian Mingle Girls

Christian Mingle has two main features if you’re looking to connect with another user. The user can either send a message or send a heart (a favorite) to the other user. These are the core features of Christian Mingle because it lets the other user know you’re interested.

Sending a message is a direct approach. Users are able to click the envelope which will let you send a direct message. Be sure to include something exciting or something relatable to the user, as this may be your only chance to make a first impression.

For people who are less aggressive, the favorite feature lets the other user know that you’re interested in them, oftentimes letting them decide to like you back. This often triggers the other user to make the first move. We recommend girls use the heart feature, as you want the guy to show his interest in conversation first.

Christian Mingle Pricing

Like most dating apps and dating services, there’s a pricing threshold that users must cross in order to get the full value of the mobile app.

Christian Mingle falls right in line with other mobile dating apps, for people who are serious about dating. Although these prices may seem high initially, understand that high pricing often attracts serious users.

Casual users are more likely to flock to other dating sites that offer more features for free, so they can casually browse through.

Christian Mingle is different as it increases the price slightly, only to give you more quality and consistent user experience. Christian Mingle pricing tiers are as follows:

  • 6 Months – $24.99/mo
  • 3 months – $34.99/mo
  • 1 Month – $49.99/mo

Christian Mingle users are better off paying for the 6-month option as it gives them plenty of time to find and sort through users that they encounter through the app.

The features that come with a paid subscription are as follows:

  • Full Access To Photos
  • Send & Receive Messages With Other Subscribers
  • Read Receipts to see who is reading or ignoring your messages
  • See a full list of users who have liked you
  • See a full list of users who have viewed your profile
  • Control your profile online status

These features are available in all of the paid subscriptions that are available at each month level.


Christian Mingle is the top faith-based dating site in the app store and on the web right now. It’s clean reputation of putting faith before looks give it the edge over other popular mobile dating app.s

If you’re serious about your faith and want to find someone special who shares that faith with you, then Christian Mingle is the place to go. Finding someone with the interests as you, as well as the same faith beliefs is easier than ever with Christian Mingle.

Sign up today for Christian Mingle and try out all of their free services. Once you feel comfortable on the dating app, purchase the plan, and continue to improve your dating experience from there.




Christian Mingle Seniors


Christian Mingle Girls