Millionaire Match Profile

  1. Millionaire Match Patti
  2. Henry Lescault Millionaire Match Profile
  3. Millionaire Match Profiles

Creating an attractive dating profile on Millionaire Match is crucial to finding a mate on the millionaire dating site. Even on normal dating sites that anyone can join, there are several common mistakes that lead to unused accounts and wasted time. These mistakes can cause even more problems on a site like Millionaire Match because the competition is stiffer. Profiles that don’t stand out and even repel other users won’t be successful.

But Millionaire Match USA was designed for such situations just to allow millionaire to set up relationships with attractive singles. It is a dating website with a member structure equally divided into men and women. The majority of members are US residents and in the age pool that goes between 35 and 54 years old.

  1. There are 4 main components of a Millionaire Match profile: Headline – 100 characters or less, with at least 10 characters mandatory About Me – 4,000 characters or less, with at least 50 characters mandatory About My Match – 4,000 characters or less, with at least 50 characters mandatory.
  2. Millionaire Match also advertises reverse matches, and a service, included in the paid package that automatically filters other users and generates a list of people «like you.» This feature based on that everyone has to enter into their profile to get started on the site.

Here are a few tips to help your millionaire dating profile differentiate itself from all the others on the network and attract interesting people:

Above All, Be Honest

Others using the dating site are looking for interesting people who are who they say they are. Millionaire Match works hard to eliminate catfish accounts and users who are less than honest, but there’s still some room to be dishonest on your dating profile.

It’s okay to embellish or exaggerate a few things about yourself, but these small dishonesties need to add up to a profile that represents you and your personality. Trying to guess at what men or women will want to see in your profile will only lead to bad profile writing, which most Millionaire Match users can see right through.

Show Some Vulnerability

Don’t reveal all your deepest, darkest secrets on your dating profile. You’ll scare other users off. However, part of being honest is revealing a bit of yourself that others don’t know about you. Don’t be afraid to show how hard you work, the struggles you’ve overcome to be successful, or even what frightens you the most. Singles on dating websites are looking for someone they can connect with. If you fill your profile only with your accomplishments and pictures of you looking happy and successful, other users will wonder what your real story is.

Keep it Simple

It’s good to show more private aspects of your life, such as your goals, how you overcame difficulties, and your interests. Being honest and a little vulnerable is often refreshing for most online daters. But there’s a tipping point. If you share too much of your inner struggles, fears, dislikes, etc., other users will see starting a relationship with you as too much work on their end. Everyone’s complicated, and you need to be honest and yourself, but people expect to see the ‘real’ you, complete with all your complications, when they meet and get to know you, not when they’re scrolling through your Millionaire Match profile.

A good way to think about being honest, vulnerable, yet uncomplicated is to use positive language throughout your profile. Instead of railing against your business partner for cheating you, for example, write about how you’ve persevered in the face of adversity to be successful.

Edit Out all Clichés

Ladies and gentlemen, the time when writing things like “I love long walks on the beach” was cute is over. Clichés like that aren’t endearing anymore, and they may even cause suspicion, since writing the same dating lines can be a way to hide other things about the user’s personality.

The end goal when you’re done writing dating profile is to create a transparent, honest summary of yourself and what you’re looking for on the dating site. You want other users to know what to expect when they meet you in person. Millionaire Match users likely have been on other online dating sites before. They don’t have time for cutesy clichés.

The Perfect Profile Picture

Don’t choose a hasty selfie as your profile picture. Ideally, your picture should depict you in an expansive, not contracted, posture.

An example of an expansive posture is holding your arms upward in a V shape. Research has shown that men on dating sites are more likely to engage with profiles that feature women holding this V posture. The key is showing other users your body interacting with the space around it. Avoid pictures in which you’re hunching or crossing your arms.

If you’re unsure about which pictures to use on your profile, err toward showing your face more. Most dating site users will expect this and will be suspicious of a profile that doesn’t show what the user looks like. However, you can get away with hiding your face in some pictures if you post action shots. Pictures of you doing things are more compelling than posed pictures, even if your face is obscured.

Be Specific

Good writing is specific. If you write that you ‘love travel,’ for example, add a few places you’ve been or where you plan to go next. Put yourself in other users’ shoes. If you read that potential date loved to travel, for example, but you didn’t see any places they’ve gone, you’ve just spent your time obtaining very vague, uninteresting information about that person. When you see a list of destinations, you have something concrete to be interested in, and a place to start a conversation.


Put Your Best Foot Forward

Millionaire Match has been helping form relationships between successful people for nearly 20 years. Each member is verified before they join and create their dating profile, which lowers the risk of people being dishonest on the platform. Millionaire dating is complicated, but by using these tips, you’ll find your perfect mate in no time.

If you are single and looking to meet that special someone, then online dating is something that has worked for many people. Whether you use one of the sophisticated services that link people by attributes, like eHarmony, or one of the free sites that put large numbers of profiles up for people to find, like, the key to success is putting together a online dating profile that will attract the interest of those you are looking for. Making a woman’s profile that gets the right kind of attention is often challenging, but so many people have found success through online dating that you should be optimistic about your own chances. Follow these tips to get the best results!

1. Choose a headline that makes you seem normal

You might want to come across as exotic to attract the interest of more men. However, the truth is that headlines that come across as a bit wacky or “out of there” might attract attention, but possibly not from the men that you want to meet. Instead, a headline for a woman’s profile should show some fun but also some stability. Something like “Hoping to find someone normal for a change” suggests that your dating history contains a bunch of insanity, and many guys will stay away. “Psychos need not apply” is another sign that you have a lot of baggage that guys don’t want to deal with. However, headlines like “Want to run a marathon with me?” or “Looking for someone to read the Sunday paper with me” suggest positive, stable traits to men, and you are much more likely to get success with those.

2. Choose the right photograph

Guys are visual animals, and a woman’s profile for dating that either has no picture or has the wrong sort of picture will either get no attention or the wrong sort of attention. In this day and age, you have to have a picture of yourself if you want attention on any level at all. If you don’t post a pic, the only response you will get is from guys with no pics, and you definitely don’t want to meet a guy who lacks the confidence to post his own images. With this said, you don’t want to put up that “selfie” showing you in a camisole and cat ears at a Halloween party as your primary image. You don’t have to put up a professional-quality headshot instead of a fun picture, but choose a picture that accentuates your attractive features without making you look like you’re on the Miley Cyrus bandwagon. You want to look beautiful and tasteful at the same time.

3. Accentuate the positives


Have you recently gone through a nasty divorce? You do want to indicate that you are divorced in your relationship status, but you do not want to spend a lot of time in your profile detailing all of the problems you have gone through in the time since then. Everyone has some baggage in their past, and if you find a guy to start a relationship with, he will likely have some too. You can talk about your problems with your boyfriend, but advertising those issues in a woman’s profile online is just asking guys to ignore you. They will figure that you are going to spend that first date talking all about your ex, and guys don’t want to buy you drinks and dinner so they can listen to you complain about your life the first time the two of you meet.

4. Make your profile honest


Millionaire Match Patti

If you lie in your profile, you are headed for disappointment. Is it all right to add an inch to your height? Maybe. If you say that you’re single or divorced when you are still married, though, you are likely to scare guys away, even if you are separated. If you are living with your parents, that’s not necessary a deal killer, but if you say that you have your own place in your profile when you don’t, guys won’t appreciate the lie. You don’t have to say where you live, but make sure that you are honest about what you write online.

Henry Lescault Millionaire Match Profile

5. Be open about what you want

Millionaire Match Profiles

Whether you are looking for friends, something casual, or something committed, a successful woman’s profile is direct about what you are looking for. Guys will appreciate this, and you are more likely to end up with a match. After all, guys will be direct if they don’t want a commitment, so why shouldn’t you be direct as well? There’s no reason to indicate that being “friends with benefits” is all right with you if it is not, and you are likely to get a lot of interest from guys who do not want to commit to you. For a woman’s profile to bring in the right kind of attention, you need to follow these steps and be clear about yourself and your needs.